If you are looking for product information or reviews, if you are researching hot new items, if you need support for issues that you can't easily find answers to, the information contained on this website is priceless. There are tips, creative ideas, tutorials, and much much more. The focus of Creative Cow covers design, video, web, audio, and DVD authoring but is by no means limited to just those topics. Creative Cow has a huge online community. They have helpful blogs featuring industry professionals. They have a magazine that may be accessed via online PDF with valuable information and stories of people from all walks of life sharing their production experiences. There is a newsletter to subscribe to and links to find anything that you need help with. They have an archive of topics that is unbelievable.
I am a huge fan of this network. They offer tools and helps for software, products, and literally anything that you can possibly think of. Take a look at the site and see if you don't come a way thinking of new ideas to try and new equipment to enhance your current set up.
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