Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My question to Dr. MD and Mr. Pharmaceutical

I was searching for ingredients on a supplement I heard someone started taking and realized that the company does not advertise the ingredients on their website. HUGE RED FLAG!!!!! You better know who you are buying your stuff from because no vitamin company has to put in their pills what they say are in the pills! That is my public service announcement for the day...

Anyways, that's not why I'm writing.

As I was scrolling down websites, I clicked on a blog that supposedly had the ingredients listed somewhere. Going down the page to find it, I came across a post that was about why vaccinations are good and why we should continue to "stick to the schedule" to preserve public health. I'm sure you can all hear me rolling my eyes even as I type that.

I couldn't help but think, "What public health?" I don't know what country they live in, but the one I live in is not getting healthier and healthier! We, collectively, are getting sicker and sicker. My question to them is very simple:

Why should we continue to follow down their path if it is not making us healthier?

The medical model we live, and die (ironically), by has been in place for about the last 50 years. The AMA and pharmaceutical companies have brainwashed the public and instilled unnecessary fears in our minds to the point that if we sneeze, we need to take something; if our child's temperature goes up a degree or so, we need to run them to the doctor's office.

A major foundation in our medical model for public health is our vaccinations. A majority of us and our kids have been vaccinated routinely for the past 40+ years. So if they are a key component of us being healthy, then why have we not gotten healthier over the last 40+ years? We are the highest medicated society in the world, so why are we not the healthiest? We have the best doctors and surgeons here, so why do our preventable, chronic, degenerative disorders keep increasing as time goes by?

Does health come externally (medicine, vaccines, etc.) or does it come from within (immune system, proper nutrition, etc.)?

I know that I don't have all the answers to the United States health problems. But looking at the track record of how things are going following their model, I want more for me and, most importantly, my family.

The table is now open for discussion...


  1. Health is defined as the state of being free from illness or injury. I do not feel that the answer rests solely with either, but instead a proper control and management of the external and internal health focus. At times we are all in need of an antibiotic for illness, or something like insulin for a diabetic for some, or even surgery. No matter what we focus on within ourselves, when we reach a point of needing those items for assistance due to necessity, the years of research and skill of physicians is much appreciated. That is by no means the final objective; wait until we get very sick before we seek help, but rather an encouragement for us to work on living a healthy lifestyle. Maintenance many times keeps us from needing a cure to a debilitating cause. And whether we observe the red flags and investigate or make health conscience decisions, I'm glad that we live in a country that many times has various options to choose from.

  2. Your very first sentence is what we are taught to think what health is, merely an absence of sickness (symptoms). But you are right, health is so much more than that. I'm not saying we don't need the medical procedures we have developed over the years. As a doctor, I know there is a time and place for such measures. My complaint is that our system is not set up to promote true health. It teaches the public that they are healthy because they don't "feel sick." These symptoms that tell us we're sick, by the way, are part of our normal immune system response. We should find ways to enhance our defense systems, not shut it down. No wonder, society is getting sicker and sicker.
