Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Preparing Yourself For Developing Relationships

As we look across our communities, we realize that we live inside a melting pot of various people groups, each with their own unique status, cultural customs and practices. There is a world of experience to gain in cultivating relationships with others. In order to do this we must be sensitive. We must actively observe the details of unfamiliar customs or cultures and be attentive to key similarities and differences. And as you spend time learning about one another your similarities will allow you to build a common bond and to progress from there.

A few items to keep in mind when developing relationships are our attitudes toward others, our treatment of other people, keeping our tongues guarded, and being genuinely true to who we are.

If you realize from the onset that not everyone is like you and that their rights as a human allow for differences, then you gain the possibility of experiencing relationships that will bring a fresh perspective to your life. It is easy to drive potential friends away by demanding they share your beliefs, behaviors and attitudes.

How we treat people is also key. Think about how you prefer to be treated by others and approach them with the same courteous respect that you feel you deserve.

Realize that THERE ARE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN YOU. If you criticize, then your actions are perceived as an attack. Constant griping and complaining, pointing out weaknesses or failures in them or in others, and gossiping destroys trust that is vital in all relationships and frankly turns people off to what you say. Guard your tongue. Be courteous with your words and focus on positive attributes rather than the negatives.

And lastly, be genuine. Be yourself. Be an authentic individual and stay away from portraying insincerity and showcasing a façade or false pretenses. There very well may be differences in standards of morality and behavior as there usually are between varying people and cultures. Keep an open mind. Be willing to share experiences and try new things. But remain true to your own beliefs. Don’t allow yourself to compromise for the sake of fitting in.

As we build relationships with others it can truly be a unique blessing. Look forward to meeting someone new and go out of your way to show kindness towards others.

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