Originally, the fascinator referred to a delicate, lacy head covering worn by a fine lady, not unlike a shawl made from wool or lace. It is a style of millinery, a headpiece, and the term fell into disuse by the 1970s. Now the term can be heard often, especially in circles of women who like to pay tribute to the days when being a lady meant wearing a hat out, a throw back to the 1800s through the 1960s. When someone now refers to a fascinator, it has a slightly different meaning, describing a delicate, somewhat frivolous head decoration made with feathers, flowers and beads. They can also use pearls, or crystals and can be made as petite or extravagant as you want. They are an alternative to wearing a hat, and many times, an alternative to wearing veils in weddings. They are an adornment, an addition to your beauty, and can make you feel so feminine!
Many women are turning to fascinators with birdcage fronts in place of the traditional v

Fascinators are becoming easier and easier to find, both at specialty shops and online. I was able to find many cute, trendy, elegant and fun different styles online, just by googling 'fascinator'. However, they are also fairly easy and cost effective to make on your own! If you’re like me, and not the best with a sewing machine, no need to worry! I found a how to website, where the hardest decision you have to make is what adornments you want to glue on your fascinator piece! The address is http://www.burdastyle.com/howtos/show/271. There are also many other how to sites that include instructions on making one using a comb or clip. The site I referred to makes a fascinator with a base to it, which to me, makes it easier to cover your mechanics, making it look more professional. When making your own creative fascinator, remember to make it YOURS! Your favorite colors, style and be creative, it’s about expressing yourself and making yourself feel beautiful!
That was Fascinating!